Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes are a way of spelling out what we hope you will learn as a result of doing this course. They also represent the things that will be important in assessing your coursework. If you are not sure what these learning outcomes are saying, let us know. It's important that we all agree on their meaning.

We've given each learning outcome a short title, to make it easier to cross-refer to them in other parts of the course description.

So here they are:


Demonstrate discerning understanding of the cultural role that data and evidence plays in society based in reading relevant literature from Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies.


Clearly show knowledge and understanding of the ethical dimensions that arise from data collection and use.


Use a range of approaches for data collection (machine sourced, subjective, quantitative and qualitative surveys, public records, open data, etc) for proposing evidence-based solutions.


Demonstrate understanding and awareness of various visualisation techniques and how they can form evidence useful for communicating ideas.


Understand how to work alongside other students by using the basic practices of participative design, especially in an urban context, towards a group-based project.